• Hatewatch

News Roundup for September 22, 2011

Janet Smith

White supremacist gang member Lawrence Russell Brewer was executed Wednesday evening for the infamous dragging death slaying of James Byrd Jr., a black man from East Texas.

The University of Montana’s Native American Center in Missoula was targeted with a racist sticker on a building earlier this week. The sticker listed a website for a white supremacist group, the Montana Creators. Missoula residents also found racist flyers on their cars Monday morning.

The Battle Creek, Mich., Police Department’s Gang Suppression Unit is investigating vandalism on several homes. Vandals left racial and anti-gay slurs, swastikas, and the letters KKK on the homes, using black spray paint.  They also sprayed the letters of a street gang on some of the homes, however officials do not think the vandalism is gang-related.

Two men have been charged with attempted murder and two women with complicity to commit attempted murder in the alleged attack on a gay man in Harlan County, Ky., last April. The County’s Commonwealth Attorney plans to pursue the case as a hate crime.