Five people were arrested in West Allis, Wisc., but no one was injured Saturday at a neo-Nazi rally where participants were vastly outnumbered by counterprotesters. According to news reports, about 30 white supremacists, 100 police officers, and 2,000 counterprotestors were on hand for the event. Two people were arrested on weapons violation charges and three for disorderly conduct.
Zachary Beck, one of three men charged with a racially motivated attack on a black man in a sports bar in Vancouver, Wash., last year was sentenced Friday. Beck, who was formerly a member of the white supremacist Aryan Nations, was ordered to serve 51 months in prison, followed by three years of supervised release after being convicted of committing civil rights crimes.
The Dubuque County, Iowa, Sheriff’s Department was notified of a potential arson/burglary with the element of a hate crime last Saturday morning. A black family living in Centralia woke up when its smoke detectors went off and discovered someone had entered the home and set fire to its kitchen rugs. Further investigation revealed a racial slur painted on the garage door.
New Castle County police are investigating a hate crime in Newark, Del., where residents found a white cross with a racial slur in the front yard of the home where they have lived for 22 years.