• Hatewatch

O’Reilly Redux: Lesbian Gangs and the Daily Kos

David Holthouse

Since Fox News host Bill O’Reilly refuses to stop comparing the liberal Daily Kos blog to the KKK, Nazis, and former Klan boss David Duke, we feel obligated to clarify for the record that the Daily Kos is NOT one of the 566 U.S.-based hate websites monitored by the SPLC’s Intelligence Project.

Not that we expect O’Reilly to correct course anytime soon. It’s been more than a month and the host of “The O’Reilly Factor” has yet to fully retract the absurd “pink pistol-packing” lesbian gangs segment that aired in late June that we helped make infamous with our point-by-point takedown.

More info on fallout from the pink pistols affair, including O’Reilly’s non-apology apology, is available here, here and here.

One juicy tidbit we left out of our original rebuttal is the true nature of the lurid footage of young women in bikinis engaged in a ferocious brawl that played in the background as O’Reilly and Fox News “crime analyst” Rod Wheeler discussed the “national epidemic” of girl-raping lesbian gangs. Viewers were led to believe that the footage depicted actual lesbian gang members in raging attack mode.

We’ve since discovered that the looped clip shown on O’Reilly’s segment is a snippet of a longer video, aptly titled “Huge Girl Fight Breaks Out at Beach,” that has been circulating on video-sharing websites since at least May. And it’s clear from watching the whole video that the combatants are not members of the Dykes Taking Over gang, as the segment insinuated, but teenage girls fighting over a boy. One of them taunts the other, “I got your man, b—-!”

Lesbian gangs running amok! They’re coming to take your children, your wallets and … your boyfriends?