• Hatewatch

Palin Wanted to Take Jesus to White House, But Settled for Racist Rocker

Bill Morlin

Ted Nugent

Former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin says she wanted to take Jesus to a White House dinner with Donald Trump, but settled instead for ultra-conservative rockers Kid Rock and Ted Nugent.

Trump not only welcomed the threesome with smiles, a private White House dinner and tour, he also let them pose for a mocking picture in front of a White House portrait of former first lady Hillary Clinton whom he defeated in November. Palin posted the picture on Facebook, and it got a lot of attention — even making network evening news.

The 2008 Republican vice presidential nominee said she invited her millionaire rocker friends because she knew they would “get to express a lot of good, middle-class, work-ethic type issues” with Trump, ABC News reported.

The president, with almost 100 days under his belt, reportedly discussed “federal policies” with his brain-trust friends over dinner.

“We discussed various quality of life issues and how entrenched status quo political correctness has wrecked everything it has touched and how his administration is focused and dedicated to get back to the US Constitutional basics of government of, by and for the people,” Nugent, aka the “WhackMaster,” wrote on his blog.

Nugent boasted on Thursday that he bent Trump’s ear about “the misguided, anti-science and anti-hunting laws and regulations perpetrated by power abusing bureaucrats infesting our states and nation.”

It wasn’t clear if the man now in the Oval Office remembers that Nugent unleashed one of his many racist rants in calling Trump’s predecessor a “subhuman mongrel” and a “chimpanzee.” During last year’s campaign the “Motor City Madman” used vulgar language in calling Clinton a criminal.

Nugent’s racist rhetoric is legendary, so there’s hardly any way the Chief Executive couldn’t know. And like Trump, who was behind the totally bogus conspiracy theory that former President Obama wasn’t born in the United States, Nugent also laps up conspiracy theories, frequently lacing them with racism, xenophobia, misogyny and anti-Semitism.

In February of last year, as Trump’s campaign was picking up steam, the man who  likes to call himself an “American Badass” served up a very public dose of anti-Semitism, blaming prominent Jewish leaders for pushing gun control.

Nugent called Trump’s one-time rival, New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg,   â€œJew York City mayor Mikey Bloomberg.”

Nugent labeled Sen. Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif., as a “Globalist political agent” and contended that the late New Jersey Sen. Frank Lautenberg “Gave Russian Jew immigrants your tax money.”

Nugent also once posted that Jews killed by Nazis in World War II were “soulless sheep to slaughter.” He quickly got public support for that from racists Mathew Heimbach of the Traditional Youth Network and former KKK leader David Duke.

An early Trump supporter, Nugent’s racism generated headlines again in March 2016 when he posted a doctored image of a van labeled “Two ni–ers and a stolen truck,” the New York Daily News reported.

The Secret Service investigated Nugent in 2012 after he made a series of incendiary remarks against then-President Obama at a National Rifle Association convention. Nugent continues to serve on the NRA’s board, despite repeated calls for his removal by many gun owners.

Nugent claimed he went “unarmed,” without so much as even a pocket knife, to Wednesday night’s White House dinner where, he says, he got “winks” from watchful Secret Service agents.

Palin, glowing about the dinner with Trump, appeared on CNN on Thursday, still purring with pride about “getting great updates last night at the White House.”

“President Trump’s invitation for dinner included bringing a couple of friends,” Palin wrote on Facebook.

“It was the highest honor,” she wrote, “to have great Americans who are independent, hardworking, patriotic, and unafraid share commonsense solutions at the White House. (Asked why I invited Kid Rock and Ted Nugent I joked, ‘Because Jesus was booked.’)”

Kid Rock, for his part, appeared the most subdued of the trio the day after dining with The Donald. His Facebook page, unlike Palin’s and Nugent’s, wasn’t on fire with comment about the event. 

He didn’t even appear to respond when someone posted:  “Kid Rock, Ted Nugent (squirrel fucker) and Sarah Palin…ride out into America for the ‘Talentless Shit Storm of Stupid Tour 2017’ brought to you by Whitetrash4tRUMP Productions, Ltd.”