The American Cause, a think tank started by MSNBC commentator and veteran immigrant-basher Pat Buchanan that promotes “traditional American values,” is hosting a symposium at the National Press Club on Thursday for the release of its new report, “Immigration and the 2008 Republican Defeat.” The panel, which features a prominent anti-immigrant hate group leader and others with extremist views, will discuss “how immigration control is vital to future Republican Success.”
The American Cause, a think tank started by MSNBC commentator and veteran immigrant-basher Pat Buchanan that promotes “traditional American values,” is hosting a symposium at the National Press Club on Thursday for the release of its new report, “Immigration and the 2008 Republican Defeat.” The panel, which features a prominent anti-immigrant hate group leader and others with extremist views, will discuss “how immigration control is vital to future Republican Success.”
The group’s press release warns that “the Demographic changes made by mass immigration have been disastrous to Republicans and [will be] fatal if not halted.” Making an argument popular in white nationalist circles, The American Cause suggests the GOP concentrate on white voters. “Whatever gains, if any, pandering to Hispanics gives is greatly outweighed by loss of the White Vote, which is more important.”
Angela “Bay” Buchanan, who serves as president of The American Cause, is one panelist. She is not known for her tempered remarks about immigration. In 2004, Buchanan told a far right conference featuring anti-government patriots, tax protesters and a prominent Holocaust denier that Americans will be “forced into a New World Order.” “They took the jobs and sent them overseas and now they’re bringing [immigrants] here to take our jobs. Who takes care of us?” Buchanan demanded. “I believe we must have a revolution. Hopefully, it will be a bloodless one.”
Joining Bay Buchanan is Peter Brimelow, the owner of the anti-immigrant hate site,, which is named after Virginia Dare, the first English child born in the New World in 1587. Vdare has published several prominent white supremacists, including Jared Taylor, owner of the racist newsletter American Renaissance, and Kevin MacDonald, an anti-Semite who argues Jews are driven by uncontrollable evolutionary impulses to undermine white political control.
Brimelow’ best selling 1996 anti-immigrant book, Alien Nation, included strong veins of racism and xenophobia. He described the role of race as “elemental, absolute, fundamental.” He said that white Americans should demand that U.S. immigration quotas be changed to allow in mostly whites. He argued that spending tax dollars on anything related to multiculturalism was “subversive.” He called foreign immigrants “weird aliens with dubious habits.” He worried repeatedly that his son, with his “blue eyes” and “blond hair,” would grow up in an America in which whites had lost the majority.
Also on the panel is Marcus Epstein, executive director of The American Cause and Team America PAC, which gives money to anti-immigration candidates and is chaired by Bay Buchanan. Epstein also writes for Vdare. Like Brimelow, he is fond of Jared Taylor and American Renaissance and has attended the journal’s biannual conferences. In 2006, Epstein invited Taylor to a group he had just founded, The Robert A. Taft Club, to speak on the issue of “Race and Conservatism.” In February 2006, Epstein’s group also hosted two members of a racist and anti-immigrant Belgian party, Vlaams Belang. In 2004, an earlier incarnation of the Vlaams Belang, Vlaams Blok, was banned on the grounds that it incited racial hatred.
Also participating is James Pinkerton, a regular contributor on both “Fox News Watch” and the “Fox and Friends” morning show, and no stranger to pumping up the cause of white supremacists. Pinkerton, also a former Newsday columnist, wrote a column for the Dec. 5, 2006, issue of The American Conservative magazine (whose founding editor was Pat Buchanan) in which he heaped praise on The Camp of the Saints, a racist French novel by Jean Raspail. First published in 1973, it describes the takeover of Europe by “swarthy hordes” of “cholera-ridden and leprous wretches.” “First to arrive were the monsters, the grotesque little beggars from the streets of Calcutta,” the book details. “As they groveled through the wet sand like a pack of basset hounds … with their snorts and grunts of joy, they looked like an army of little green men from some remote planet.”
In his column, “National Suicide,” Pinkerton wrote that Raspail predicted the gradual takeover of Europe and America. “While Raspail did not know the specifics of Vicente Fox’s slow-motion demographic crusade to recapture much of America for Mexico, he apprehended the general truth,” Pinkerton wrote. That truth, Pinkerton explained, is that, like the French in Raspail’s novel, white Americans today “are lacking a proper sense of national-racial consciousness, the knowledge that one’s own is best, the triumphant joy at feeling oneself to be part of humanity’s finest.”