• Hatewatch

‘Patriots’ and Militia Supporters Flock to New Social Networking Site

Evelyn Schlatter

Militia members and other antigovernment “Patriot” types have a new social network where they can share and discuss the latest conspiracy theories about the looming “New World Order” and its enablers.

The site, which calls itself the “Social Network of the Revolution,” is run by Patriot leader Gary Franchi, producer of “Camp FEMA,” a film that promotes the FEMA camp conspiracy theory.  The site, named RTR, apparently stands for Restore the Republic, since Franchi heads a Patriot group and website with that name.

It’s just been about a month since Franchi posted a welcome message on RTR, but already more than 30,000 people have signed up. Only 12, however, have responded to a recent fundraising email, according to the site.

The Unified Militia Communications Network is among the latest groups to join RTR. The UMCN left Facebook and the Ning networks, claiming that Facebook is “in bed with the Obama administration.” The UMCN calls RTR “a great new network” that is “already an active patriot community.”

Among the other groups that have joined RTR are the Oath Keepers, a group that encourages military personnel and law enforcement officers to disobey orders they consider unconstitutional. One Oath Keeper was arrested in 2010 for storing explosive devices at his home and a friend’s house, and another was also arrested that year for planning a bizarre scheme to arrest a town’s officials. Another group is trying to organize “Disbar” rallies in all 50 states — rallies to end Bar associations in every state.

Other members of RTR include the Confederate States of America and LibertyFest 2, a gathering scheduled for September 10, the day before the 10th anniversary of 9/11, in New York City. Scheduled speakers include Franchi, radio host and Patriot pundit Jack Hunter (who is a frequent guest on the Michael Savage show), and fellow ultra-conservative radio host Mike Church, who says in a bio at his radio website that he’s a “leader in the states’ rights movement.”

Conspiracy theorist Alex Jones’ new Infowars Business Team is also a member, as are several chapters of Ron Paul supporters, the Orlando Tea Party, the Illinois Tenth Amendment Center (a state sovereignty group), and Gun Owners of America. Other groups support specific candidates running for office in various states while some warn about the dangers of “chemtrails” and genetically modified foods. The site also attracts surprising groups, like the Gay and Lesbian Patriots/Tea Partiers/Libertarians (4 members as of May 5) and parents’ rights groups, one of which is concerned about the United Nations interfering in parenting. That group had 30 members as of May 5.