• Hatewatch

Pete Santilli Rallies for Border Shutdown, Calls Obama an ‘Unconstitutional Treasonous Bastard’

Sarah Miller

Pete Santilli, an extremist antigovernment talk show host and 9/11 truther, is working with a group of bikers to shut down the U.S.-Mexico border crossing near San Diego on “Cinco de Julio.”

Santilli, who lives in San Diego and hosts a program on the Guerilla Media Network, is best known for a violent rant last year in which he called for President Obama and the Bush family to be killed and for Hillary Clinton to be shot in the vagina and “suffer painfully, right in front of me.” His remarks drew scrutiny from the Secret Service.

In April, Santilli rallied his listeners to gather at Cliven Bundy’s ranch and, if necessary, fight to the death with federal agents who were trying to round up cattle that were illegally grazing on public lands. And last October, he rallied his listeners to attend a protest by truckers that threatened to shut down the D.C. beltway. The protest ultimately fizzled.

Santilli’s latest obsession is the Central America refugee crisis and the imprisonment of U.S. Marine Sgt. Andrew Tahmooressi in Mexico (who crossed the border, accidentally he says, with three firearms). In response, he is organizing a protest with a group of bikers, dubbed “Cinco de Julio,” that he hopes will create a “traffic jam of epic proportions” and shut down the Tijuana border crossing:

Americans are fed up with this lawless and criminal administration and are organizing a shutdown of the U.S. Mexico border on July 5th, 2014.  The objective is to demand the release of Tahmooressi, as well as shut down the flood of immigrants seeking asylum in the U.S.A. at the encouragement of the now impeachable President Barack Obama.

Last week on his radio show, Santilli whipped himself into a frenzy and denounced President Obama as an “unconstitutional, treasonous bastard.” He called for the president to be impeached immediately and for the border to be kept closed until Tahmooressi is repatriated and refugees are turned away at the border:

Although last year’s beltway protest was an abject failure, Santilli shows no intention of backing down from “Cinco de Julio.” Instead, he’s ordering his listeners to “get in your freaking car and drive to the border.”

“Every individual right now needs to stop watching the decimation of our Constitution, the destruction of our country by that freaking NDAA [sic] basketball-dribbling, freaking Muslim Brotherhood bastard,” he said, referring to Obama.

Interestingly, Santilli also aimed his fire at Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio, a hero of the anti-immigration movement, whom he called an “inept, incompetent bastard.” He was angry about remarks that Arpaio had made about refugees at the border.

Arpaio called them “illegal Hispanics,” but Santilli believes that this conceals a much more sinister reality: asylum-seeking Muslims coming across the border to possibly do us harm. “There are Arabs coming over the border,” Santilli said. “I personally saw them.”

Santilli closed with a call to frenzied call to action: “You get a Constitution in your left breast pocket, and you say that, ‘We run this freaking place!’ And you get ready to get in your car and get to the freaking border, so that you can save your country!”

Despite his abundant enthusiasm, Santilli’s track record suggests that “Cinco de Julio” will be another dud.