• Hatewatch

Racist Bikers Busted in Undercover Florida Probe

Bill Morlin

Six members of a racist motorcycle gang in Florida face drug and bomb-related charges following a three-year undercover investigation, federal and state authorities announced Friday.

The suspects are affiliated with the Outlaws motorcycle club and the 1st SS Kavallerie Brigade Motorcycle Division, a racist gang formed by former Aryan Nations leader August Kreis III, according to the Orange County Sheriff’s Office in Orlando.

“One of the goals of the organization was to blow up buildings and houses, as well as individuals associated with rival organizations,” sheriff’s spokesman Jeff Williamson told Hatewatch.

The suspects were arrested Thursday at locations in central Florida and the Chicago area, Williamson said. They initially were booked on state charges but also may face federal charges. “There also may be other arrests,” Williamson added.

Court documents associated with the investigation weren’t immediately available, and sheriff’s officials offered only limited information at a press conference in Orlando.

Those arrested and their charges were Harold Johnson Kinlaw, 54, threatening to throw a destructive device, attempting to solicit conspiracy and evidencing prejudice; Carlos Eugene Dubose, 54, Orlando, threatening to throw a destructive device and trafficking in oxycodone; Ronald Cusack, 47, St. Cloud, Fla., threatening to throw a destructive device and delivery of cocaine; Brian Klose, 49, St. Cloud, destructive device, manufacturing and selling drugs, possession of cocaine; Leah Clouse, 40, St. Cloud, possession of cocaine; and Deborah Plowman, age unavailable, Chicago, possession of hydrocodone.

The 1st SS Kavallerie Brigade Motorcycle Division, whose members are primarily outlaw bikers, takes its name from Hitler’s SS Cavalry Brigade, a horse-mounted unit that was part of the Waffen SS created for World War II occupation duties in German-occupied Poland. Later, while serving in German-occupied areas of the Soviet Union, the brigade was involved in the killing of Jews.

Kreis, who was briefly designated as the heir to founder Richard G. Butler, heavily recruited members of motorcycle gangs after he moved to Lexington, S.C., from Pennsylvania.

In 2010, Kreis was involved in forming the 1st SS Kavallerie Brigade Motorcycle Division as a security crew. Some of those members also reportedly have affiliations in Florida with the Outlaws motorcycle gang.