• Hatewatch

Racist Skinhead’s Wife Behind European ‘News’ Website

Larry Keller

The online news site European Union Times (EUT) — which recently “broke” a story about President Obama preparing for an imminent civil war — is being cited as a credible source by several libertarian bloggers who are hyping the story.

It turns out the EUT was created in October and is registered to the wife of a racist skinhead gang member who was involved in a bizarre stabbing incident last month.

The story began on Dec. 9 when the EUT reported that Obama has ordered 200,000 troops to be redeployed to the U.S. Northern Command in preparation for a civil war within the United States before the end of winter.

Since then, it has been cited by blogger Michael Gaddy on LewRockwell.com and by former Constitution Party presidential candidate Chuck Baldwin on his own website.

Gaddy, a regular on the racist “Political Cesspool” radio program, wrote that the EUT story shows a financial collapse or a confiscation of firearms may be imminent. Baldwin said the supposedly ominous events described in the EUT story explain the construction of detention camps to hold U.S. citizens, even though there is no evidence that camps exist.

The European Union Times isn’t exactly a venerable news source akin to, say, The Associated Press. It is registered to Jessica Nachtman, wife of Christopher Nachtman. [Editor’s note: After the initial posting of this blog item, Jessica Nachtman wrote Hatewatch to say that she merely provides Web hosting for “a European who lives abroad,” who she declined to identify further. She said she does not publish or modify any of the site’s content.] Christopher Nachtman is a former member of the neo-Nazi group National Alliance who more recently has been active in Volksfront, a racist skinhead group.

In October, Nachtman stabbed another man during an altercation at a luxury hotel in Palm Beach County, where Holocaust revisionist David Irving was giving a talk. No charges have been filed. The man who was stabbed, John Kopko, has also been involved in neo-Nazi activities in the past. Irving was quoted at the time as saying that Christopher Nachtman attended the event with his wife, Jessica, whom he said might open a bookstore and sell his books. The Nachtmans live in the semi-rural community of Loxahatchee in Palm Beach County, records show. [Editor’s note: In her note to Hatewatch, Jessica Nachtman described herself as a “White Racialist,” but not a Hitler worshipper. She said she “respectfully” quit the neo-Nazi White Revolution hate group after the stabbing incident and added that the white nationalist movement “is full of dirt bags, criminals, and unstable people,” along with a a few responsible and intelligent people.]

As for Gaddy, he has been a constant contributor to LewRockwell.com over the past five years, writing repeatedly of his love of guns and his disdain for the “ruling elite” and the “criminal government.” He was among several people who filed numerous on-the-scene reports to Political Cesspool from the Mexican-U.S. border in 2005 in conjunction with the original Minuteman Project. Those reports drew praise from David Duke on his website.