• Hatewatch

Racists Express Support for Frazier Glenn Miller, Suspect in Deadly Kansas Shooting, on White Supremacist Forum

Don Terry


Get ready to take a long hot shower after reading the comments of support on Vanguard News Network (VNN) for neo-Nazi Frazier Glenn Miller, who was arrested at the scene minutes after the Sunday afternoon shooting spree at two Jewish community centers in suburban Kansas City that left three people dead, including a grandfather and his 14-year-old grandson.

“3 ain’t bad,” wrote “John from Canada.” “Heil Hitler brother!!”

“Happy April 20th,” “James Hawthorne,” a senior member of the VNN Forum added, referring to Adolf Hitler’s birthday, still the most important date on the neo-Nazi calendar.

“Dan Hadaway,” also a senior member, lamented that Miller “needed to go on a more crowded day” and that the attack didn’t “sound like it was too well thought out.”

Footage of Frazier Glenn Miller being apprehended (KCTV 5 News)



“Thank God people are finally fighting back against these vicious demonic parasites,” “H.B.,” another senior member said. “The jews (sic) are so evil. It is shocking that most people still don’t have a clue despite the fact that the Internet has given total transparency to their incredible and innumerable crimes.”

“313Chris” wrote, “Despite the thousands of years of destruction the Jew has repeatedly visited on the Aryan race, when someone finally gives a few of them a little lead karma, it’s not just murder, but a hate crime.”

“Crowe” wrote, “If he killed a single white person then he is a f—— scumbag. If they were k—-, then he gets a round of applause.”

As it turns out, none of the dead – William Corporon, 69, a physician, his grandson, Reat Underwood, 14, and Terri LaManno, 53 – were Jewish.

Dr. Coroporon and his grandson were killed in the parking lot of the Jewish Community of Greater Kansas City. They were at the center located in Overland Park, Kansas, so Reat could audition for a singing contest.

LaManno was gunned down at a nearby Jewish retirement home, visiting her mother. LaManno was Catholic.

“One thing is for sure: the Jews are celebrating right now,” “John Evans: Christian Anti-Semite,” wrote. “Three white Christians dead, a Jew-hater in custody and headed for the gas chamber, and most people totally alienated against WNs” – white nationalists.

“Miller’s motives,” he added, “were pure, but his execution was disastrous.”

The 73-year-old Miller, also know as Frazier Glenn Cross, posted more than 12,000 times to VNN over the years. His screen name was “Rounder.”

“It’s so terrible that he was apprehended,” senior member “N.B. Forrest,” wrote.






At the time of the shooting, the Jewish Community Center was packed with hundreds of teenagers, like Reat Underwood, trying out for the singing contest. Others were auditioning for a production of “To Kill a Mockingbird,” a play that apparently enrages white supremacists, judging by the comments on VNN.

“Drunk, sober, smart or dumb,” “Jimmy Marr,” wrote, “Miller selected targets rich in symbolic meaning: A jew institution and an anti-White propaganda production (To Kill a Mockingbird).”

“I’m just taking a wild guess,” “Tom Sanders” commented, “those kids were gonna grow up to be n—– lovin’ pansies, jew enablers. Future traitors. Glenn did them a favor. He was like a real father to them, teaching them right from wrong.”

“Serbian,” a senior member, wrote the “ultimate responsibility for this unfortunate little episode lies solely with the System which has created the conditions that could potentially force a certain type to do something like this.

“I am sad for Glenn/Rounder and his family. Sure some of his posts here may have been a little offensive and aggressive at times but at least the man seemed to have heart and spirit.”

Talk about sympathy for the Devil.