It looks like Facebook. It apparently works like Facebook. But the Terms of Use, not to mention the name, might give you a clue that this definitely isn’t Facebook.
“AryanBook [sic] is a racialist, WHITE ARYAN PRIDE Social Network for Whites Only! N——, Jews, Mexicans, and M— and other non-white trash aren’t allowed!” the Terms of Use page declares, even though the actual website address is, with a “s.” “All anti-white, pro-Jewish, pro-n—–, pro-f—– or other communist trash is hereby banned on this Network!”
On AryansBook’s home page, underneath a world map that looks like the one that has identified Facebook’s home page, is the phrase “14 W.P.W.W. 88”: 14 for the infamous “14 Words” credo of white nationalism, the initials for the slogan “White Pride World Wide,” and 88 for two iterations of the eighth letter of the alphabet, h, meant to represent “Heil Hitler.”
The real Facebook — the global social network service with more than a half-billion subscribers — isn’t amused that its familiar look is being copied by a white supremacist.
“We’re aware of this website, and our legal team is considering what action to take,” Simon Axten, Facebook’s manager for public policy, told Hatewatch in an E-mail. “We’re also investigating the website owner.”
That would be music promoter, entrepreneur and accused con man Chris “Big Poppa” Hogan of Heber Springs, Ark., who earlier this year was the Arkansas state leader and mid-South regional coordinator for a faction of the neo-Nazi group Aryan Nations before he resigned in late November. He registered on Nov. 16.
AryansBook hasn’t exactly burst out of the starting gate. As of last week, Hogan had accumulated only 27 “friends.” About a dozen people had checked in on Hogan’s page, and few of those had anything at all to say on his or any of their own pages. On Dec. 5, Hogan announced the addition of streaming live TV and movies to the site. “[A]nd I have only added 8 Channels so far… and Oh BTW … BITE THAT FACEBOOK!!!!!” he wrote.
Hogan, a 44-year-old man who claims to be an ordained Universal Life Church minister, has proclaimed his racist sentiments in the past. He was national director of AmeriKlan Church of True Christian Faith, a white supremacist organization dedicated, according the Missouri Secretary of State’s office, to the protection, preservation, and education of the white Christian people in the interest of a “White Christian Revival.” It isn’t clear if AmeriKlan, based in Heber Springs, was ever much more than Hogan himself.
Hogan applied to join Aryan Nations in September, and claims to have received the title of “major.” He resigned just two months later with a disdainful jab at Morris Gulett, who has claimed leadership of one of the splinter remnants of the once-important organization since being released from prison. “That is something that just dont [sic] set right with me that the supposed world leader of the Most well Known Pro White Organization THE ARYAN NATIONS is on 10 years Federal Parole,” he wrote.
Hogan also is the president and CEO of Crunkland Records, as well as nearly a dozen other small business ventures. On his AryansBook profile page, he admits to a criminal record (“I have done Time in the Arkansas Dept of Correction [prison] 20 years ago for Burglary and Theft. Got drunk and stole some stupid shit … I know hell I was a kid … LOL!”) and two civil suits against him “for ALLEGEDLY selling securities without a license.” He concludes with the “14 Words” credo, capitalized: “WE MUST SECURE THE EXISTENCE OF OUR PEOPLE AND A FUTURE FOR WHITE CHILDREN!”
Judging from Crunkland’s MySpace page, however, which features Hogan soliciting new artists and gives no indication of his white supremacist leanings, Hogan shouldn’t qualify for a page on his own network. He’s got a shocking affinity for black music and movies featuring black actors.
He lists his music interests as “Hip Hop, Rap, Rock, NO F-ING KUNTRY!” Among Hogan’s MySpace “friends” are hardcore rappers Mike Jones and Bun B (Bernard Freeman) — who are quite black. Despite the “14 Words,” Hogan evidently feels the “future for white children” can include exposing them to lyrics like these from Crunkland recording artist Stubacca Da Dogg: “Some b—— love me / They run up and hug me / Callin’ me Mac Daddy / When they suck me / They say, mm, yummy / They f— me gladly.”
Under “movies,” Hogan likes “Bad Boys,” the 1995 action film starring Will Smith and Martin Lawrence, and “Radio,” the 2003 drama featuring Cuba Gooding Jr. and Alfre Woodard. For all of Hogan’s apparent antipathy toward “n——” and “m—,” he sure digs black musicians and actors.
Hogan ran into trouble with Missouri and Arkansas financial regulators for dealing in unregistered securities in a scheme that promised speculators no-risk returns of up to 2% per day for investing in “the thriving and exciting Entertainment industry” and a planned Dominican Republic casino resort project. In September 2006, the Missouri secretary of state issued a cease-and-desist order to Hogan and several of his corporate entities, including Crunkland, Crunkvest Ltd. and, for promoting the unregistered “high yield loan program.” Arkansas’ securities commissioner won a permanent injuction and civil and ancillary penalties against Hogan for the same scheme two years later. Hogan on his AryansBook page mocked these penalties, saying “the [sic] shook their finger at me and said dont [sic] do that again … LOL,” but Arkansas ordered him to pay $221,361 in penalties and compensation to investors.
Just the kind of man proud Aryans would be eager to friend on a whites-only social network.