Of all the fantastic musings and mutterings about the H1N1 flu and vaccine, few are more outrageous than the pronouncements of retired Army Maj. Gen. Albert Stubblebine III and his psychiatrist wife, Rima Laibow. They run a nonprofit organization called Natural Solutions Foundation, which warns of the evils of vaccinations, pharmaceutical companies and genetically modified foods.
After President Obama declared a national emergency on Saturday to deal with the rapidly spreading illness, Stubblebine, a onetime intelligence officer, wasted no time e-mailing a dire warning to his members. The president’s declaration, he said, “is perhaps the most ominous domestic event I have ever encountered. We either take this hill, or we die on it.” He went on to state that Nazi Germany and Stalinist Russia declared war on their own people. “Has the United States declared war on the American people today? Sadly, tragically, it would appear so. I do not wish to see the American population corralled, controlled and killed.”
H1N1, or swine flu, has never been a serious illness, Stubblebine says. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has a different take. The flu is spreading fast in at least 46 states, has caused the hospitalization of about 20,000 Americans and the deaths of more than 1,000 people, the agency says.
Obama’s action gives Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius frightening authority to trample the rights of American patients, Stubblebine maintained. “None of this makes any sense UNLESS the intention is to replicate Hitler’s actions in Germany which used the all too willing medical system as a means to eliminate individuals, segments of the population and anyone who dared to speak out (or whisper) against the regime,” he wrote. Indeed, Stubblebine contends, the swine flu is a genetically engineered virus that is part of a World Health Organization-United Nations-United States scheme to sterilize untold numbers of people.
Not to be outdone, Stubblebine’s wife, Laibow, lent her name to a missive on the foundation’s website that says Sebelius now has the power “to send people to hospital-administered concentration camps.” She added that Obama’s declaration “puts the US on a par with Nazi Germany and Stalinist Russia where the tyrants who declared war on their own people used the structures of the system to ‘justify’ and ‘legitimize’ their assault on the life, location and liberty of their citizens” and the government “now has its excuse to institute the corralling and culling of anyone it chooses.”
Fortunately, according to the husband and wife — who call themselves Gen. Bert and Dr. Rima — there is something ordinary citizens and future victims can do now: Send them money. They need financial backing for a “money bomb” to challenge the “entire vaccine approval travesty” and other projects.
Stubblebine and Laibow are veterans of the conspiracy-minded Patriot movement. Among other things, Stubblebine, whose interests include UFOs and parapsychology, insists that an airplane did not crash into the Pentagon in the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks. He says he doesn’t know what did. They’ve appeared together at least twice on the Alex Jones Show, a forum for every government conspiracy theory ever hatched. Laiblow said in a July interview with Jones that the couple was “happy and privileged” to be on the show.
Stubblebine also supports or is a member of Oath Keepers, a conspiracy-minded organization composed primarily of active-duty and retired military and police officers that was founded this year.
Oath Keepers has a list of 10 orders it won’t obey. Its motto is, “Not on our watch!” Laibow cribs its language in creating her own “Health Care Worker’s Oath.” It concludes, “I am a health care professional, not an agent of State-mediated death and will conduct myself in accord with that identify. [sic] “I swear, to all future generations, ‘Never again’ will the health care professions be used, as they were in Nazi Germany and the Soviet Empire, to murder and oppress any individual. Never Again! Never here! Never on my watch!”