• Hatewatch

Serial Threat-Maker and Neo-Nazi Bill White is Charged Yet Again

Mark Potok


Bill White, the wildly obnoxious neo-Nazi who has made a profession of lobbing criminal threats at his enemies, has apparently been at it again.

On Thursday, according to today’s edition of the Roanoke (Va.) Times, White was indicted for threatening to have his ex-wife beaten and “hospitalized” for declining to send him some $400 a month while he was a fugitive in Mexico last year. White was already being held in Chicago, where he is serving time for violating his parole by fleeing to Mexico and also awaiting sentencing for threatening a juror.

White, a one-time anarchist who later became the founder and leader of now-defunct American National Socialist Workers Party, is known for making threats over the phone and via E-mail. His targets have included black tenants of a Virginia apartment complex who sued their landlord for discrimination, a federal jury chairman who helped convict another neo-Nazi leader, a black Miami Herald columnist, and a woman at a credit card company. He once threatened to come to the home of the author of this post some time after midnight, in a car that he said was loaded with guns.

His latest alleged offense, according to the federal indictment, was to send threatening E-mails to his ex-wife, Meghan White. The two reportedly had an informal agreement that she would send him $400 a month in “alimony,” but once he fled for Mexico last May she stopped payment on her first check and did not send any more, enraging her former husband.

Infuriated, White wrote her at one point: “I would strongly recommend that you have the $500 when you are contacted – or you will probably be hospitalized.” On another occasion, he wrote: “I’ve had an offer from a loan shark in Roanoke to split the money you owe me 50/50,” the Roanoke Times reported. “He will send someone to beat you’re a– if you don’t pay, and I will give him half for the service.”