• Hatewatch

State House candidate in North Carolina claims God is a white supremacist

Adam Sommerstein


Russell Walker, who is running for the state legislature in North Carolina, believes in advocating term limits, supporting the Second Amendment right to bear arms, ending the war on drugs – and that God is a racist and a white supremacist.

Even during an election season in which a growing number of candidates openly embrace racist views on the campaign trail, Walker’s language is disturbing. On his website, Walker offers a host of racist conspiracy theories and statements: “The Federal Reserve Bank is owned by 9 European jewish banks, all ultimately being Rothschild controlled,” “The jews are NOT semitic they are satanic as they all descend from Satan,” “God made the races and he is the greatest racist ever” and “The finest example of the evil in black is Martin Lucifer Koon. MLK wanted to destroy the Caucasian race through mixing and integration. He was an agent of Satan pure and simple…”

Yesterday, the state party withdrew support for Walker. Robin Hayes, the North Carolina GOP Chairman, released the following statement: “Based on recent behavior and previous statements, the North Carolina Republican Party is unable and unwilling to support the Republican nominated candidate for North Carolina House District 48. The NCGOP along with our local parties in Hoke, Scotland and Robeson Counties will be spending our time and resources supporting Republican candidates that better reflect the values of our party.”

A source within the North Carolina GOP, speaking on condition of anonymity, stated that Walker displayed “repugnant views about race” and that state party leaders (who favored Walker’s opponent in the primary) requested he step down. However, Walker has rejected their request and, since he cannot be forced off the ballot, will remain as a candidate. A telephone message and email seeking comment from Mr. Walker were not returned.

There are also references on Walker’s website to the Christian Identity religion, a unique antisemitic and racist theology that argues Caucasians are the true Israelites and Jewish people are the offspring of Satan. Walker writes, “One also has to realise that all jews are the children of Satan. Cain being the first jew as a result of Satan raping Eve in the Garden of Eden and Cain being the first seed of Satan.” The belief that Jews are the descendants of Satan and Eve and white Europeans are descended from Adam and Eve is known as the “two-seed” or “dual seed-line” doctrine and is one of the basic tenets of Christian Identity.

Michael Barkun of Syracuse University, author of the definitive history of Christian Identity, noted that Walker’s website contains “statements that are pure Identity.” Barkun was unaware of any previous candidates running for public office who so openly espoused Christian Identity beliefs: “Generally speaking, people in Christian Identity have contempt for existing political institutions. To the extent that CI believers have political views, they tend to believe the political system is too corrupt and has been taken over by Jews and their non-white lackeys. Therefore, they view using the traditional mechanisms, such as running for office, as pointless.”

Walker’s website also is filled with outright misogyny. In an essay titled “Women Are The Weaker Sex,” Walker claims “Women are much more willing than men to accept non Israelites – m—, ‘blacks’, ‘n—–‘ etc. in the voting booth and in bed, than are Israelite men. This is the weak link in our society and the Caucasian race is declining and on its way to extinction because of it.”

Walker’s outright racism has caused considerable controversy in the district, even forcing The News-Journal, the local newspaper, to explain to readers why it has refused to print letters to the editor from Walker, who has held a protest outside of the newspaper’s building with a sign that reads “What Is Wrong With Being Racist” on one side and “God Is Racist” on the other. The paper’s editor, Ken MacDonald, wrote that Walker was an “unapologetic misogynist and racist” and, in order “to foster civil discourse,” his paper would no longer provide him a platform.

In June 2017, Walker was involved in a bizarre incident at a Lowe’s Home Improvement store in Moore County, North Carolina, when he allegedly verbally accosted a young lady for having tattoos on her body. The woman, who posted about the incident on her Facebook page, stated that when she walked away from Walker he continued to follow her, insulting her looks and her tattoos. When the young woman told Walker that she was a U.S. Army veteran recently returned from Afghanistan, Walker purportedly mocked her service to the nation and continued to harass her, subsequently making a scene at the checkout line over Lowe’s offering of military discounts and mocking U.S. veterans for serving their country.

Given his white supremacist views, it is not surprising that, in 2017, Walker filed a lawsuit in South Carolina to have Confederate flags and portraits of Confederate generals remain in the main courtroom of the York County Courthouse. A judge threw out the case, stating Walker had no standing to bring the lawsuit because he was a North Carolina resident and that the suit was without merit because there had been no action by a court beforehand.

In another case, Walker challenged a tax levy with the IRS in 2013, referencing language commonly used by members of the sovereign citizen movement. Walker claimed the IRS was stealing from his social security benefits because he “never received ‘income’ in a ‘constitutional’ sense,’” and because he has never been a “citizen or resident of the geographical United States…”