• Hatewatch

Two Prominent National Alliance Websites Pulled Offline

Ryan Lenz

Two of the most influential websites associated with the National Alliance, a failing neo-Nazi group once considered a powerhouse of the racist radical right, have been pulled offline in what seems to be further evidence of organizational struggle and discord.

The sites, which went inactive on Oct. 17, offered news and commentary on white power issues before they disappeared. Visitors to the pages – a news site for the National Alliance and the primary website for the Sacramento, Calif., chapter – now find messages saying the sites were disabled after the webmaster resigned from the group.

“This site has been disabled by its creator, who resigned from the National Alliance in demonstration of disgust in the organization’s chairman, Erich Gliebe for: 1) Dereliction of Duty; 2) Gross Incompetence; 3) Fiscal Malfeasance with members & intent to use National Alliance funding in an unethical manner,” the note reads on one website.

At least one of the websites was managed by Connor Ring, whose father Jim Ring leads the Sacramento chapter and also controls most Alliance chapters in the West. Nationwide, the Alliance has struggled to remain relevant as once-stalwart supporters abandoned ship amid complaints about Gliebe.

The disappearance of these two sites adds volume to the evidence suggesting the Alliance is near the end. This summer, the Southern Poverty Law Center documented the devolution of the Alliance under Gliebe’s leadership from its former stature into a tiny band of small-time propagandists, criminal thugs and attention-seeking losers whose antics rarely makes the news.