• Hatewatch

VDARE Hate Site Pushing Tanton Special Issue

Heidi Beirich

An anti-immigration website is advertising a special edition of the hate journal The Social Contract entitled “Mass Immigration and the ‘National Question,” boasting that the issue is entirely devoted to reprinting articles from the site. Vdare.com, which is listed by the Southern Poverty Law Center as a hate site, is apparently raising money from the sale of the Winter 2006-2007 edition of the quarterly journal. The Southern Poverty Law Center lists the quarterly’s publisher, The Social Contract Press (TSCP), as a hate group. Vdare is named for Virginia Dare, said to be the first white baby born in the New World, and the site has published racist and anti-Semitic articles.

The Social Contract Press is run by John Tanton, who has been dubbed “The Puppeteer” for his 25 years of work building up America’s anti-immigrant movement. Tanton’s dislike of immigration is racial — he has an extensive track record of making anti-Latino and anti-Catholic comments and has published works bemoaning the dwindling numbers and power of whites in America. In an infamous series of memos penned by Tanton in 1986, he questioned the “educability” of Latinos and worried about the impact of the breeding habits of Latin American immigrants on the U.S.

Tanton, based in Petoskey, Mich., is a leader in the largest American anti-immigrant organization, the Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR), which is currently leading the battle against the DREAM Act, a widely supported bipartisan bill that would provide a path to citizenship for immigrant students accepted to college. Tanton founded and currently serves on FAIR’s board of directors. FAIR has substantial connections to Vdare. FAIR board of directors member Donald A. Collins publishes often on Vdare.com and his article on a “culture war” is included in the anthology. Another former FAIR board member, Peter Gadiel, also penned one of the republished articles.