• Hatewatch

White Supremacists Applaud Murder of Abortion Doctor

David Holthouse

The veteran anti-abortion outfit Operation Rescue denounced as a “cowardly act” the recent murder of abortion provider George Tiller in Wichita, Kan., allegedly committed by Scott Roeder, a man with a long history of anti-abortion and anti-government extremism.

Not so white supremacists, most of whom have greeted Roeder’s actions with praise. On Stormfront, the largest white supremacist forum in terms of members, the more than 400 comments that have been posted about Tiller’s murder are running about ten-to-one in favor of the killing.

“Well that vile scumbag will never kill another White child. I’d say mission accomplished on this one. Taking things into our own hands is not just right it is our duty!” wrote “Whitelad 88” on Stormfront. His compatriot “Mechanicalstar” chimed in with, “We can’t wince at every action one of our people take when they get fed up and go over the edge, because things aren’t going to change simply by talking a whole lot on the Internet.” Another poster wrote, “Scott Roeder will and should go down as a hero in our pantheon.”

A Stormfront moderator posting as “Jack Boot” chimed in to report that he’d smoked a celebratory cigar he’d been saving for the execution of black radical and convicted murderer Mumia Abu-Jamal.

“I was saving this cigar for Mumia’s date with the devil. An excellent smoke, a corona,” wrote Boot. “I think the most enjoyable parties just spontaneously happen, like friends gathering to just share each others company after any given cheerful event. Weddings, births, new cars, shooting down Tiller, that kind of thing. We must see about a defense fund for the accused.”

Sentiments were similar on other white supremacist web forums.

The Vanguard News Network (VNN) forum was filled with congratulatory messages. “Too bad that it didn’t seem like a very painful death,” wrote “psychologicalschock.” “Reset,” posting to another racist forum, New Nation Newsreporters Newsroom (NNNN), wrote, “This scumbag killed tens of thousands of white infants. A shame the guy got caught, the good ‘doctor’ is not worth dying in prison for.”

Others expressed a sentiment widespread in racist circles—that abortion is perfectly legitimate as long as it involves non-whites.  “Good riddance,” wrote “deathtozog” on VNN. “The only abortion doctors that get any approval from me are those set up in places like DC or Detroit and are aborting non-White babies.” “Bigdhe3” penned on NNNN, “why is there any uproar over this… the LESS friggin n—— there are the better.”

The few racists brave enough to express their opposition to Tiller’s murder were blasted for being race-traitors, Jews and trolls.

“Wow, the comments in this thread amaze me,” wrote “Exare” on Stormfront, “Even if you disagree with abortion you honestly agree with this sort of self-righteous taking the law into your own hand method? The shooter is a murderer and a criminal and should be dealt with harshly. No wonder white nationalists have such a negative social image. The majority of you people only feed the negative gun wielding redneck persona that the media tries to paint us white nationalists as.”