Helping your Child with a Disability get a Good Education


Helping your Child with a Disability get a Good Education

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The Southern Poverty Law Center has created a guide, “Helping Your Child With a Disability Get a Good Education,” to help parents of children with disabilities. Children with disabilities have a unique set of requirements in order to thrive in any setting, including the classroom. They are legally obligated to be served in a way that suits them best. Their parents and guardians have a vital role to play.

These children are guaranteed a “free, appropriate public education” — at no cost to their parents — that meets their unique educational needs. This right is guaranteed under a federal law called the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA). The process of securing a good education for a child with disabilities is not an easy one. At times, it can seem overwhelming. These state-specific guides will help parents through it.

Read the Report (PDF)

Louisiana: Español | اَلْعَرَبِيَّةُ | Kreyól ayisyen | Tiếng Việt

Mississippi: Español

Illustration by Sol Linero