More Clinic Bombs Found

Dynamite bombs found outside two North Carolina abortion clinics that had earlier been the targets of arson attacks were defused in October.

Passersby spotted the bombs, containing several sticks of dynamite and hooked up to kitchen timers, at the Carolina Women’s Medical Clinic and the Hallmark Clinic, both in the Fayetteville area.

“It’s just a miracle that neither bomb blew up and that no one was injured or killed,” Cumberland County Sheriff Earl “Moose” Butler told a reporter.

Days later, after several churches withdrew their support, just 200 people showed up at an anti-abortion rally that earlier had been expected to draw more than 2,000.

The bombs were found at the opposite end of the state from where a federal manhunt is going on for Eric Robert Rudolph, accused in two earlier clinic bombings, one of them fatal.