ACTION ALERT: Call DOJ and stand up for American values


The Trump administration has turned its back on some of the most vulnerable people in the world. 

This week, Attorney General Jeff Sessions ruled — in a decision referred to as the Matter of A-B — that our country will no longer grant asylum to most victims of domestic abuse and gang violence.

This cruel decision – driven, clearly, by the hate and extremism at the heart of the Trump administration – will condemn tens of thousands of men, women and children to death.

They’re people like a Honduran woman we’re representing as she awaits a hearing in a Southern detention center. She recently fled her country with four children to escape a lifetime of brutal domestic violence. Two of her young daughters survived rape attempts by gang members there. Sessions has lost all touch with American values.

He has demonstrated his utter indifference to the fate of immigrants – particularly vulnerable women – who come to our shores seeking help.

And he is undermining due process and the rule of law by referring individual immigration cases to himself.

This can’t stand.

Tell the Department of Justice that our government should not give in to hate. We must not close our doors to the world’s most vulnerable people.

Call the DOJ main comment line: 202-353-1555

Here is a sample script to help you make your call:

My name is [NAME] and I live in [CITY/STATE].

I am calling to tell Attorney General Jeff Sessions that I do not support his decision in the Matter of A-B.

With this order, the Trump administration has turned its back on some of the most vulnerable people in the world.

I demand the attorney general stop his anti-immigrant agenda. I, and many other citizens, stand against hate and xenophobia — and demand that the Department of Justice do the same. 

Interested in doing more? Volunteer with our Southeast Immigrant Freedom Initiative (SIFI), a project of the SPLC that enlists and trains volunteer lawyers to provide free legal representation to detained immigrants facing deportation proceedings in the Southeast.