Full list of organizational sign-ons to the joint statement on the need to counter hate in schools


AASA, The School Superintendents Association

American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL)

American Federation of Teachers

American School Counselor Association

Association of Educational Service Agencies (AESA)

Association for Library Service to Children

Association of School Business Officials International (ASBO)

The Center for the Education and Equity of African American Students (CEEAAS)

The Center for the Healing of Racism

Center for Research on Educational Equity, Assessment, and Teaching Excellence (CREATE), University of California, San Diego

The Dorothy Cotton Institute

Human Rights Educators USA

HRC Foundation’s Welcoming Schools

International Literacy Association

Linkages of Rochester

Megan Meier Foundation

National Association of School Psychologists

National Council of Teachers of English

National Education Association

National PTA

National Rural Education Advocacy Consortium

National Rural Education Association

Peacemaker Resources

Rethinking Schools

School Social Work Association

Sikh Coalition

Southern Poverty Law Center

Tennessee Chapter of the National Association for Multicultural Education

TESOL International Association

Thomas J. Dodd Research Center

University of Nebraska at Omaha College of Education

Young Adult Library Services Association