How Tech Supports Hate


More than six months after the violence at the “Unite the Right” rally in Charlottesville, Virginia, tech companies continue to provide services to SPLC-designated hate groups.

In response to the violence at the “Unite the Right” rally in Charlottesville, Virginia last August, a number of prominent tech companies rushed to enforce longstanding acceptable use policies and took action against the hate groups that participated in the rally.

As the SPLC wrote, it took “blood in the streets for tech companies to take action.”

Now, more than six months later, tech companies continue to provide services to SPLC-designated hate groups. From payment processing to domain hosting to data mining, some of the biggest tech companies keep hate group sites up and running. What follows below is a breakdown of what services are used by hate groups in the SPLC-designated ideologies of Anti-Muslim, Neo-Confederate, Neo-Nazi, Radical Traditional Catholicism, and White Nationalist. A methodology section is located beneath the chart.

Interested in how the extremists are using Bitcoin? See our list of prominent white nationalists and neo-Nazis who accept Bitcoin from their supporters.