Confederate memorials were created as part of an organized propaganda campaign to promote hate and white supremacy.
Knowing where Confederate memorials are located is the first step towards removing these symbols of hate. Whose Heritage? partnered with Mapbox to show the location of Confederate memorials across the United States. This map provides filters so that you can search by symbol type, tracking status and honoree. Selecting different boundaries lets you see where a monument is located on the local, county, state, and federal levelâenabling you to contact the appropriate elected officials and to permanently erase Confederate memorials from our public landscape.
To get the most out of our map, we encourage you to:
- Use the plus (+) and minus (–) icons at the top right-hand section of the screen to zoom in or out of the map. To re-center the map after adjusting the scale, press the world icon.
- Click on âFILTERSâ to customize your results. You can search by honoree, select different categories (county/municipality, roadways, other, schools, monuments, buildings) and limit your results to a specific tracking status — live, live [statue removed; pedestal remains], renamed, removed, relocated and pending. Be sure to select âAPPLY FILTERSâ when youâre finished and click âRESET FILTERâ to start a new search. If youâre searching on the mobile website, be sure to click on the filter icon to use this feature.
- Peruse the memorials in the left-hand sidebar after youâve selected the filters youâre interested in seeing. This will allow you to see the honoree, tracking status, year dedicated, year removed and sponsor, when available If you click on the yellow box featuring the name of a memorial, a pop-up will appear on the map to help you locate it..
- Type in the search bar to locate a specific memorial by name.
The search feature can also help you find memorials by locality.
- Change the boundaries on the map using the boundary drop-down menu.
You can select from: federal congressional districts, state senate districts, state congressional districts, county lines and state affiliations in the Civil War. Changing the boundaries will enable you to visualize the different levels of government where each memorial is located. While not all elected officials will have jurisdiction over the memorials, we encourage you to contact elected officials where memorials are located to ask what you can do to help remove them.
- Toggle the blue bar under the world icon to the right to see the map in satellite view.
Hold the CONTROL button on your keyboard and click the mouse to move the cardinal directions and pitch of the map. Press the compass icon to reset the map.
Please be aware that the Improve this Map link sends information to Mapbox, and any submissions you make on that form will not be read by SPLC staff. If you have suggestions, comments, or feedback on the Confederate memorials on the map, we encourage you to fill out this form.