The National Law Journal, a weekly newspaper for the legal profession, includes Southern Poverty Law Center founder and chief trial counsel Morris Dees in a recent compilation of America's 100 most influential lawyers.
The National Law Journal, a weekly newspaper for the legal profession, includes Southern Poverty Law Center founder and chief trial counsel Morris Dees in a recent compilation of America’s 100 most influential lawyers.
The 100 were announced in “Profiles in Power,” published in today’s edition. Lawyers were chosen through Journal staff research and reader nominations.
“We were looking for lawyers who had a national impact in their fields and beyond, especially over the past five years — lawyers who have the power to shape public affairs, launch industries, shake things up and get things done,” said associate editor Michael Moline.
“Simply holding a high office or position of authority was not enough, and judges and nonpracticing lawyers were not eligible,” he said.
The Journal cited Dees’ continuing role in all aspects of SPLC, 35 years after its founding, and his use of the tort system to put the Aryan Nations and other hate groups out of business. TheJournal also noted, under Dees’ leadership, the Center doubled its legal staff in the past two years, added a new project to protect the rights of immigrant workers, and won an Oscar last year for its documentary Mighty Times: The Children’s March.