March on Washington anniversary: A celebration but also reminder that march for justice continues

As we celebrate the 50th anniversary of the March on Washington, we should remember those who died for equality and recommit ourselves to the challenges ahead.

Over the next two weeks, our nation will be commemorating the 50th anniversary of the March on Washington, that transcendent moment when Dr.  Martin Luther King Jr. delivered his “I Have a Dream” speech.  

As we approach that day – Aug. 28, 1963 – I marvel at the profound changes that the civil rights movement helped bring to our nation.

But as we celebrate that progress, we should pause to remember those who died for equality – the men, women and children who were murdered by white supremacists during a campaign of terror against the African-American community.  

More important, we should renew our commitment to live up to the dream that Dr. King articulated that day – because the march for justice didn’t end with the victories of the civil rights movement. With your help, it continues today – in the criminal justice system, in our schools and workplaces, at our polling places, in our city halls and legislatures, and elsewhere.

If you’re in Washington from Aug. 23-25, look for our booth in the Global Village on the National Mall. And, you can let us know that you’re standing with us by visiting our March on Washington anniversary page and letting us know what you march for.