SPLC lauds Justice Department for creating new post to coordinate fight against domestic terrorism


SPLC president notes surge in violence and terrorism motivated by far-right extremism.

The decision to create a new position within the Justice Department to coordinate the fight against domestic terrorism is a wise one, reflecting a renewed and long-overdue focus on violent homegrown extremism.

After 9/11, the federal government’s attention to domestic terrorism was largely pushed aside as our nation understandably focused on the threat posed by overseas groups like Al Qaeda.

But since that time, we’ve seen a strong resurgence of the radical right. And as we’ve seen over the last several years – in Wisconsin, in Kansas and, particularly, in Charleston this summer – this resurgence has produced a significant increase in violence and terror plots.

Regardless of whether violence is inspired by radical Islamism or domestic extremism, the results are the same: innocent lives lost and entire communities living in fear.

We applaud the Justice Department and Attorney General Loretta Lynch for taking this important step forward to combat the homegrown extremists who use violence in pursuit of their ideological goals.

(Photo: Memorial at Charleston Emanuel AME Church)