The Southern Poverty Law Center today warned of possible white supremacist activity in Jena, Louisiana, tomorrow when thousands of marchers from around the country plan to descend on the town to protest the prosecutions of six black teenagers accused of beating a white youth at the local high school.
The Southern Poverty Law Center today warned of possible white supremacist activity in Jena, Louisiana, tomorrow when thousands of marchers from around the country plan to descend on the town to protest the prosecutions of six black teenagers accused of beating a white youth at the local high school.
SPLC investigators found postings on several white supremacist websites indicating that counter-demonstrations may be planned.
“In these types of volatile situations, white supremacist counter-protesters often seek to incite violence,” said SPLC President Richard Cohen. “We hope that authorities will be there to protect the marchers who are going to Jena to voice their outrage at these prosecutions.”
The SPLC has contacted state police in Louisiana about the web postings.
One particular web posting, on the white supremacist message board, came from former Baton Rouge neo-Nazi leader Robert Moore. In the posting, Moore wrote about police security arrangements in Jena and whether weapons would be allowed in certain areas. “Remember, Louisiana is an open-carry state, and your vehicle is an extention [sic] of your home,” he wrote. “We also have the right to defend ourselves if attacked.”