SPLC’s Ebony Howard speaks at vigil for Michael Brown in Montgomery

Residents of Montgomery, Alabama, gathered last night at the SPLC’s Civil Rights Memorial in memory of Michael Brown–the black teenager killed by a police officer in Ferguson, Missouri–and other victims of police brutality.

Residents of Montgomery, Alabama, gathered last night at the SPLC’s Civil Rights Memorial in memory of Michael Brown – the black teenager killed by a police officer in Ferguson, Missouri – and other victims of police brutality. Vigils were held across the country as part of #NMOS14 (National Moment of Silence 2014).

Speaking to the gathering, SPLC senior attorney Ebony Howard noted that Brown’s death illustrates that the struggle for justice continues.

“At this memorial, I’m reminded of the many sacrifices that people made for our freedom. I’m reminded of people who gave their lives in the quest for equality. And when I think about those people I think about the young people. Like Emmett Till and Michael Donald. And I think about how it’s still happening today. My mind can’t help but go to Michael Brown and Trayvon Martin, and so many others kids whose names we don’t even know.”