We Will Do Better and Be Better


Over the years, we have posted images here and across our digital platforms that were inconsistent with who we strive to be.

Those images, including the Confederate flag, white supremacists and xenophobic, homophobic, transphobic people, are painful reminders of the hate and bigotry targeting  the communities we serve.

The SPLC has been working to remove the symbols of white supremacy from public spaces for years. This week, amid growing calls for the removal of the Confederate flag on U.S. military bases and installations, we shared an image of that flag while urging its removal. 

We recognize that the posting of this image is a painful reminder of the institutions that celebrated this nation’s enslavement of Black people. We regret our error in judgment and we are sorry for any pain it caused. 

Over the next several weeks, we will be reviewing all of the images used across our digital platforms and removing any that are inconsistent with our values of equity and inclusion, courage and integrity, and respect for communities that we work alongside.

We promise you, our supporters and friends, that we will do better and be better.