An “alt-right” think tank run by one of the country’s most prominent white nationalists has mysteriously gone quiet and appears to be in disarray.
An “alt-right” think tank run by one of the country’s most prominent white nationalists has mysteriously gone quiet and appears to be in disarray.
Elliott Kline, the onetime leader of Identity Evropa, is in federal custody after being found in contempt of court for failing to cooperate in a civil lawsuit stemming from the violent “Unite the Right” rally.
Stephen Miller linked immigration to violence in emails to Breitbart News – writing of crimes committed by nonwhites that “each one [is] more disturbing than the next.”
Before the 2016 election, White House senior policy adviser Stephen Miller frequently gave editorial instructions to Breitbart News, a Hatewatch review of his emails determined.
Leaders of several Democratic caucuses became the latest voices demanding the resignation of White House senior adviser Stephen Miller after an SPLC investigation showed, through leaked emails, his affinity for white nationalism.
A leaked audiotape attributed to white nationalist Richard Spencer depicts him as a suit-and-tie bigot who uses coded language to charm the masses but who deploys slur-laden, racist language with his followers.
YouTube has taken down a second Red Ice channel after the hate network tried to circumvent the media giant’s initial ban.
YouTube removed one of the most prominent video news outlets for white nationalists, Red Ice, from its platform.
The brother of white nationalist U.S. State Department Official Matthew Q. Gebert reported him to the FBI in July over concerns about his radicalization, he told Hatewatch.
Hatewatch has obtained images of Matthew Q. Gebert, a State Department official who is involved in the white nationalist movement.