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Intelligence Report
Spring Issue
June 15, 1998

For many people employed as country clerks, court recorders and other government jobs, the fear of threat and attacks by an antigovernment common-law zealot never ends.

Intelligence Report
Spring Issue
June 15, 1998

For years, the Montana Freemen issued 'common-law' edicts harassing local officials and others, but after a standoff with the FBI, a federal trial seems likely to topple their group.

Intelligence Report
Spring Issue
June 15, 1998

The Montana Freeman's philosophy, while rooted in antigovernment and 'common law' ideology, is also racist.

Intelligence Report
Winter Issue
March 15, 1998

New York City is caught unawares by common-law ideology when almost 100 city employees were arrested for tax evasion.

Intelligence Report

The first chapter in the strange story of the Washitaw 'empress' took place in a tiny northern Louisiana town.

Intelligence Report
Spring Issue

So-called "sovereign citizens" are notorious for engaging in a variety of schemes involving money, false identification documents and the courts — scams that land them in criminal trouble with remarkable regularity.

Intelligence Report
Spring Issue

David Kanz, imprisoned for 'paper terrorism,' describes how he got into — and out of — the 'sovereign citizens' movement.

Although their website claims not to be affiliated with the sovereign citizen movement, the NLA, and in its former incarnation as the New York Liberty Alliance (NYLA), has propagated antigovernment conspiracy theories and other radical beliefs commonly found among sovereign citizens, such as Agenda...
Members of the Moorish sovereigns, called Moors, have come into conflict with federal and state authorities over their refusal to obey laws and government regulations. Recently, Moorish sovereign citizens have engaged in violent confrontations with law enforcement. They have also been known to...
