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Features and Stories
January 18, 2007

It's the dirty little secret of the white supremacist movement in America. Klan leaders with black girlfriends. A neo-Nazi caught with a black transvestite. A macho skinhead arrested while soliciting sex from Latino men. National Socialists affiliated with Satanists who promote sexual ceremonies involving children.

Features and Stories
January 17, 2007

The growing number of "radical traditionalist Catholics," men and women who angrily reject many of the Vatican's core teachings, may form the single largest group of hard-core anti-Semites in America, according to a report, The New Crusaders, released today in the latest issue of the Southern Poverty Law Center's Intelligence Report.

Features and Stories
January 05, 2007

In the latest disaster to hit the American radical right, Kevin Alfred Strom, the founder of National Vanguard and a major neo-Nazi leader for nearly 20 years, has been arrested and charged with child pornography and witness tampering.

Features and Stories
November 27, 2006

An Arizona jury, acting in a lawsuit sponsored by the Southern Poverty Law Center, ordered border vigilante Roger Barnett to pay $98,750 to a family of Mexican-Americans he terrorized in 2004.

Features and Stories
November 23, 2006

The Pentagon's claim it has a "zero tolerance" policy for racist extremism in the military is astonishing, given that military officials have failed to discharge an airman who posted an Internet message calling for the deaths of Jews and non-whites, writes Southern Poverty Law Center president Richard Cohen in a letter (PDF) to a high-ranking military official.

Intelligence Report
Fall Issue
October 30, 2006

Pat Buchanan se present recientemente como invitado en el espectculo de televisin "Today" de la cadena NBC para promover su nuevo libro y le fue de maravilla.

Features and Stories
October 19, 2006

In just four years, the number of racist skinhead crews in the United States has more than tripled, threatening a renewed era of street violence, according to the Fall 2006 issue of the Center's Intelligence Report.

Features and Stories
October 07, 2006

A prominent member of the National Association for Research & Therapy of Homosexuality (NARTH) is under fire for publishing an essay in which he argues that Africans were fortunate to have been sold into slavery, and the civil rights movement was "irrational."

Features and Stories
October 06, 2006

Since the start of his latest book tour, Patrick Buchanan has appeared on just about every major television and cable network in the country, often more than once.

Features and Stories
September 11, 2006

For a college football game day, the South Carolina State Museum in downtown Columbia was a busy place on the afternoon of Saturday, Sept. 9.
