A growing consensus of experts finds that discussion groups, not Web sites, are where cyber-extremism really flourishes.
A growing consensus of experts finds that discussion groups, not Web sites, are where cyber-extremism really flourishes.
Taking a page from the radical right, the eco-radical Earth Liberation Front says it is targeting the federal government and even 'liberal democracy' itself.
For decades, Dan Gayman was a key ideologue of the racist Christian Identity religion. In an interview, his son and daughter-in-law describe life in Gayman's Church of Israel, and how they came to leave it.
Anti-immigration groups claim that immigrants over-utilize government services, increase unemployment, bring diseases and degrade the environment. But studies from an array of groups show otherwise.
Behind the recent upswing in anti-immigration activism are an array of groups. Most of these groups work together and their leaders frequently hold cross-membership in several organizations at once.
Statements by old-line hate groups and more 'mainstream' organizations often show similar ideologies despite the groups' other differences.
A French novel, The Camp of the Saints, has become the favorite racist fantasy of the anti-immigrant movement in the US. Published by The Social Contract Press, the book is revered by American white supremacists.
With the American economy on unsteady legs, anti-immigration groups promote vigilantism.
Intolerance and racial hatred are still spreading despite worldwide efforts to combat intolerance.
View a timeline of gay-hater Fred Phelps' life, politics, and use of lawsuits and heavy-handed tactics to harass an entire Kansas city.
We tracked 1,430 hate and extremist groups in 2023. Hate has no place in our country. Add your name to help us fight hate.