In the Community, for the Community, With the Community
Working alongside the communities that we serve, our Georgia state office is committed to advancing racial justice and addressing economic inequality by building strong partnerships at the local level.
While Georgia has long played a pivotal role in the Civil Rights Movement, the legacy of white supremacy in the Deep South continues to harm Black and Brown communities. Faced with an overly harsh criminal justice system and unending voter suppression attempts, our communities have been systematically denied opportunities to build wealth and political power in the state for far too long.
With the opening of our Atlanta campus, the SPLC is more connected than ever to the communities that we serve in Georgia. Engaging our neighbors on the ground, our programmatic work is people-centered, directly reflecting their voices, needs and priorities. And while much of our work serves to lift up all communities that are struggling, we pay special attention to those who are most vulnerable to the harsh realities of living in poverty — women of color in Georgia’s Black Belt and on the Westside of Atlanta. Together, we can organize, innovate and push for racial equity throughout the state.
This Month’s Events
Check again soon for upcoming events in Georgia.
Connect With Our Georgia Team
In addition to our Atlanta campus, the SPLC has team members working throughout the state of Georgia. If you want to learn about volunteer opportunities, upcoming events, or actions that you can take to support our advocacy efforts, sign up for our state mailing list.
Advocacy Resources
Hate Map
Track Hate and Antigovernment Groups in Georgia
In 2023, 49 hate and antigovernment groups were tracked in Georgia.

Learn About Vote Your Voice Grants and Grantees
The Southern Poverty Law Center — in partnership with the Community Foundation for Greater Atlanta — will make $100 million in grants available to Deep South organizations to build capacity and scale up their voter outreach and civic engagement efforts over the next decade.