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Hatewatch Headlines 7/29/14

Orlando Sentinel: Deputy police chief caught up in Florida Ku Klux Klan scandal sues to keep his unpaid fire chief’s job.

 Kansas City Star: Kansas’s secretary of state GOP primary is getting down and dirty.

Raw Story: Pennsylvania judge orders self-described ‘sovereign citizen’ released after being found mentally incompetent.

Washington Post: High school in Richmond, Va., wants to revive Confederate mascot.

Media Matters: ‘BarbWire’ is what happens when a hate group creates its own ‘conservative news’ website.

Jim Romenesko: Toledo Blade owner is sorry that Ted Nugent was invited to ribfest, but the invitation stands.

Right Wing Watch: Jody Hice warns that Satan is behind insidious plot to ‘chip away’ at ‘Christian rights.’

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