Hate Map

In 2023, we tracked 1,430 hate and antigovernment groups across the U.S.


This list is limited to distinct hate and antigovernment ideologies tracked by the SPLC during periods when data is available. It is not exhaustive.

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      The Southern Poverty Law Center
      Over Time
      2000 2023
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      Join the Fight Against Hate and Extremism

      Each year, the SPLC publishes an exclusive report on hate and extremist groups in the United States and the threats they pose to our communities. In 2023, we tracked 835 antigovernment groups and 595 hate groups, totaling 1,430 hate and extremist groups.

      Hate has no place in our country.

      Person holds up sign during rally that reads "Zero Tolerance for Racism."

      Hate in the United States

      The Extremist Files database contains profiles of various prominent extremists and extremist organizations. It also examines the histories and core beliefs – or ideologies – of the most common types of extremist movements. Learn More about Hate Groups.

      White Supremacist Flyering

      The SPLC also tracks white supremacist flyering in the U.S. Hate groups use flyers to publicize, recruit, and intimidate.

      Illustration of Confederate memorial

      Whose Heritage?

      More than 2,000 memorials in the United States valorize the Confederacy, a secessionist government that waged war to preserve white supremacy and the enslavement of millions of people.

      By the Numbers

      1,430active hate and antigovernment groups

      165white nationalist groups

      6,990white supremacist flyering incidents

      The Year in Hate & Extremism 2023

      In 2023, the SPLC documented 1,430 hate and antigovernment extremist groups that comprise the organizational infrastructure upholding white supremacy in the U.S. The years since the Jan. 6, 2021, insurrection have been a time for the hard right to prepare.
