MONTGOMERY — Today, the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) reflects on the legacy of Jimmy Carter, the 39th president of the United States, who passed away today.
“Jimmy Carter was an unparalleled force for peace and justice. As president of the United States, he was the first to make human rights a centerpiece of his foreign policy and, here at home, to prioritize diverse representation on our federal courts. Even when it made him unpopular, he led with his values — and with his fierce conviction that America could always be better, especially for those who have been left out and left behind for too long,” said Margaret Huang, president and CEO of the SPLC.
“After leaving the White House, President Carter and former First Lady Rosalynn Carter carried on their life’s work to house the unsheltered, expand health care access and defend free and fair elections through the Carter Center and Habitat for Humanity. We need more leaders like the Carters, especially leaders from the South, who understand our nation’s long and painful history and recognize that our rights and freedom are bound together.
“Our hearts are with the Carter family, and we join with people across Georgia and the nation in mourning the loss of this lifelong public servant. In honor of President Carter, we must all do our part to preserve and strengthen human rights at home and abroad,” concluded Huang.