SPLC Responds to Federal Court Order Denying Emergency Relief to Students in Lawsuit Against Cobb County School District

Ashley Levett

ATLANTA – Today, the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Georgia denied request for emergency relief that would require the Cobb County School District to follow guidelines by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) to reduce COVID-19 transmission in K-12 schools 

The lawsuit was filed on behalf of Cobb County students with disabilities who are at risk of severe illness and even death if they contract COVID-19. Plaintiffs are four students with disabilities who requested reasonable accommodations so they can access all of the benefits of an in-person education like their nondisabled peers, as the law requires 

The following statement is by Southern Poverty Law Center Attorney Claire Sherburne, who along with attorneys for Goodmark Law Firm and the Law Office of Allison Vrolijk are representing the students and their parents in the lawsuit: 

“We are disappointed in the Court’s decision, but this does not mark an end to the caseThe case will move forward without the immediate relief we were seeking on behalf of students with medical vulnerabilities that make them extremely susceptible to COVID-19. The SPLC will not stop advocating for students and families in Cobb County schools to ensure they receive a highquality education free from discrimination.  

In consultation with our clients, we are considering all of our options. Unfortunately, with each day that passes, our clients continue to be denied access to the in-person instruction to which they are entitled.”  

A copy of the ruling is available here.