• Eliminating Poverty
  • Employment and Wage Equity

Federico Salinas-Rodriguez v. Alpha Services, Inc.

Date Filed:
April 14, 2005
Date(s) of Disposition:
Federico Salinas-Rodriguez, Valentin Salinas-Castro, Roberto Salinas-Castro, Marco Antonio Salinas, Jose Isabel Lopez, J. Jesus Lopez-Sanchez, Casimiro Garcia-Rodriguez, Javier Astello-Mendez, Malaquias Guevara-Astello, and Ramiro Gonzalez-Felipe
Alpha Services, LLC and Robert Wade Zaharie

Alpha case

This class action lawsuit against Alpha Services was brought for violations of minimum wage and overtime protections, and for other violations of the Migrant and Seasonal Agricultural Worker Protection Act.

The Alpha settlement is a package of agreements providing safeguards for current and future workers. In addition to paying the plaintiffs and class members large sums of money, which remain undisclosed under the terms of the settlement, Alpha agreed to the following:

  • enter into a consent decree ensuring compliance with the federal laws protecting migrant workers;
  • provide IJP with complete access to Alpha’s files, with workers and supervisors conducting periodic audits of the company’s compliance with the law;
  • not require workers to surrender their passports or other identification documents to the company or its agents;
  • not require deeds, deposits or collateral of any kind as a condition of employment; and,
  • not retaliate against the plaintiffs in any way.