• Ending Unjust Imprisonment

Gaddis v. Campbell

Case Number: 03-T-390-N
Date Filed:
April 9, 2003
Date(s) of Disposition:

07/11/2003: Class certified
12/08/2003: Non-jury trial date
01/15/2004: Case settlement approved by U.S. District Court judge

Court where filed:
USDC Middle District of Alabama
Michael Gaddis, class of all diabetic inmates in the Alabama prison system
Donal Campbell, the Commissioner of the Alabama Department of Corrections

Prisoner Diabetes Case

Diabetic inmates’ struggle for care
On April 9, 2003, the Center filed a lawsuit on behalf of about 1300 diabetic inmates in Alabama to demand better medical care. Diabetic inmates’ symptoms are often ignored and that treatment is delayed. Their diets are virtually the same as meals provided to non-diabetics.

Some have already lost the ability to see. Others have lost their toes through amputation. The most critical are at risk of kidney failure, nerve damage, strokes, heart attacks, even death.

The lawsuit argues that failure to provide adequate medical care to diabetics is cruel and unusual punishment in violation of the Eighth Amendment to the United States Constitution.

On January 15, 2004, the case was settled with a revised settlement agreement approved by Judge Myron Thompson. The agreement implements the most recent medical standards of care for diabetics and gives a specific structure ensuring that the agreement will be carried out. This agreement sets a nationwide precedent for the medical management and care of diabetic prisoners.