Brotherhood of Klans

Ku Klux Klan
Marion, OH

In this article

The Brotherhood of Klans (BOK) has long been one of the largest and most widespread Ku Klux Klan organizations in the United States. It’s also the only KKK faction to establish chapters outside the U.S., with a sizable presence in Canada.

Where most present-day Klan groups splash pictures and news of their activities on their websites and online forums, the Brotherhood of Klans is exceptionally secretive, in the tradition of Klan groups of yesteryear, offering scant details of its actions online and conducting serious background checks of prospective members. In other ways, the BOK is quite modern. Its members often eschew white robes and hoods for paramilitary garb, and its leadership networks extensively with non-Klan white supremacists, most notably racist skinheads and outlaw bikers, as well as with other Klan outfits, especially those based in the Deep South.

In Its Own Words

“Are you prepared to FIGHT AGAINST ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION? The time for ACTION is NOW! Our Government won’t stop them so we will. It’s time to declare war on these illegal Mexicans. The racial war is among us. Our blissful ignorance is over. It is time to fight.”
— Brotherhood of Klans website

“The KKK wants you. Join today and win back your rights that have been given to others in the name of political correctness. We are fighting to preserve the existence of our race and a future for White children.”
— Brotherhood of Klans recruiting flyer, undated


The Brotherhood of Klans was founded in 1996 by Dale Fox, an old-school Southern Klansman who vowed to bring the Klan back to its original birthplace in Pulaski, Tenn. The closest Fox got to that goal was establishing a BOK chapter in Finger, Tenn., more than 100 miles west of Pulaski.

Even so, under Fox’s leadership, the Brotherhood of Klans rapidly became the biggest Ku Klux Klan organization in the United States. Fox’s power appeared to expand in 2002 when rival Klan leader Ron Edwards, who was then under intense law enforcement scrutiny, stepped down as imperial wizard, or national leader, of the Imperial Klans of America and appointed Fox to replace him. The following year, though, Edwards reclaimed his position atop the IKA. But when Fox left, he took a handful of IKA chapters with him.

Fox died of a heart attack in November 2006, while chopping down a tree on a fellow Klansman’s property. He was succeeded by Jeremy Parker, a former skinhead and former webmaster for the neo-Nazi Aryan Nations.

In 2007, Parker oversaw the Brotherhood of Klan’s expansion into Canada, establishing chapters in Regina, Saskatchewan, and Calgary, Alberta, which claim a combined membership of 250. Both Canadian chapters have participated in joint rallies and street demonstrations with the Aryan Guard, a violent neo-Nazi group based in Calgary.