Kanye’s comments fortify old white myths; Algorithms and the rise of the alt-right; ‘White genocide’ theory continues to spread globally; and more.
New Republic: How Kanye West’s ignorant comments fortify the most pernicious lies of white supremacy.
Contexts: How social-media and internet algorithms assisted in the rise of the alt-right.
The Outline: The creeping specter of the white nationalist conspiracy theory about ‘white genocide’ is spreading.
Think Progress: Georgia GOP candidate boasts about using his truck to ‘round up criminal illegals.’
Media Matters: Air Force running recruitment ads for its special forces on Alex Jones’ YouTube channel.
Right Wing Watch: ‘Pizzagate’ activists reboot conspiracy theories after Eric Schneiderman’s resignation.
The Root: South Carolina man tries to hire white supremacists to lynch his black neighbor, burn cross on his lawn.
AlterNet: Maryland ‘deplorables’ threaten liberals with armed attack if Trump is impeached.
Pink News: Anti-LGBT Baptist preacher stirs controversy with remarks lauding woman’s domestic abuse.
CNN: Three black women checked out of AirBnB rental, and the neighbor lady called the police on them.
Talking Points Memo: White Yale grad student calls police on black student sleeping in dorm common area.
Newsweek: Senators hoping to make violence against police officers a ‘hate crime.’
Mother Jones: That racial profiling incident at Nordstrom Rack apparently wasn’t a first.
CBC: New ant-hate group aims to monitor ‘growing threat’ of far-right extremists in Canada.