• Hatewatch Headlines

Hatewatch Headlines 6/6/2016

Hatewatch Staff


Trump says Latinos aren’t really Americans; Google stops ‘coincidence detector’ app; N.C. students erect a ‘Trump wall’; and more.

Talking Points Memo: In interview, Donald Trump asserts that Mexican-Americans aren’t really Americans.

Think Progress: Google pulls the plug on anti-Semitic ‘coincidence detector’ extension for Chrome.

Associated Press: Police fail to consistently report hate crimes to the FBI, AP investigation finds.

New York Daily News: Staten Island teen dies from asthma attack while fleeing racist crew waving gun, shouting epithets.

Right Wing Watch: Hate pastor James David Manning claims Obama will hang onto power by fomenting a race war.

Daily Mail (UK): North Carolina high school students outrage their Latino classmates by building a ‘Trump wall.’

Media Matters: Anti-Clinton smear specialist Peter Schweizer teams up with Alex Jones to promote new movie.

Raw Story: Hundreds petition to ‘knock out’ Confederate monument at Louisville campus, replace it with Ali statue.