KKK likes the shape of politics today; Trump adviser says he’ll dilute Muslim ban; Militiaman cased out mosques as targets; and more.
Associated Press: 150 years after its original founding, Ku Klux Klan says U.S. politics are going its way.
Talking Points Memo: Donald Trump doesn’t think American voters really know what ‘xenophobe’ or ‘nativist’ means.
The Hill: Trump adviser says candidate will pull back on his plan to ban Muslims from the U.S.
Salt Lake Tribune: Utah militia leader also cased out mosque, FBI offices for attacks, agent testifies.
Arkansas Online: Man with Aryan Brotherhood ties arrested after chase that ended in cemetery.
Huffington Post: Why attacks on LGBT people are rarely prosecuted as hate crimes.
The Advocate (Lafayette, LA): Louisiana sheriff spews anti-Semitic remarks at prosecutor, threatens to shoot him.
Los Angeles Times: Counter-protesters charged with attacking KKK members during bloody Anaheim rally.
Mother Jones: Are police harassing Black Lives Matter protesters ahead of GOP convention in Cleveland?