• Hatewatch Headlines

Hatewatch Headlines 8/26/2015

Hatewatch Staff

Will the GOP turn white nationalist? Curt Shilling’s ugly record of Facebook bigotry; Scott Walker’s insult to the world’s Muslims; and more.

Talking Points Memo: Will Donald Trump rebrand the GOP as America’s white-nationalist party?

BuzzFeed: David Duke endorses Trump, saying he’s ‘certainly the best of the lot’ seeking presidency.

Salon: Alabama cheerleading coach banned for complaining about team leaders’ racist, pro-Klan T-shirts.

Media Matters: ESPN analyst Curt Shilling’s anti-Muslim, pro-Confederate flag Facebook posts land him in hot water.

Southern Spaces: The reenactment of a lynching and a Confederate battle flag rally, all on the same day. 

Right Wing Watch: Ted Cruz claims ‘liberal fascism’ seeks to ‘persecute, to punish, to fine’ any Christian who opposes gay marriage.

Think Progress: Why Scott Walker owes the world’s 1.6 billion Muslims an apology.

Raw Story: ‘Not racist’ Louisiana man warns that renaming street for Martin Luther King will unleash his ‘racist ways.’

Towleroad: Houston haters unleash anti-LGBT campaign with website, disgusting radio ad.