• Hatewatch Headlines

Hatewatch Headlines 9/16/2015

Hatewatch Staff

Study reveals the state of the Tea Party; Jade Helm 15 ends with no coup; Poll reveals sympathy for military coup; and more.

IREHR: A close look at the increasingly extremist state of the Tea Party in 2015.

Right Wing Watch: Jade Helm 15 is over, and Obama didn’t even invade Texas.

Huffington Post: Hate group FRC plans to honor anti-LGBT clerk Kim Davis in a very big way.

Salon: The shocking poll that reveals the Republican base’s treasonous willingness to abide a military coup.

Talking Points Memo: Georgia sheriff says Black Lives Matter activists are ‘domestic terrorists.’

WVTM-TV (Birmingham, AL): Ku Klux Klan recruitment flyers showing up in Cullman County.

Think Progress: Six times Donald Trump’s supporters have taken his immigration positions to their logical extremes.

Vice: How I infiltrated a white-pride Facebook page and turned it into ‘LGBT White Southerners for Michelle Obama.’