• Hatewatch

Neo-Nazi Stage Mom Boasts Of Retail Con Prowess

Sonia Scherr

“Is it luck or am I a thief?”

That’s the question neo-Nazi April Gaede posed Sept. 10 on the forum of the Vanguard News Network website (motto: “No Jews. Just right.”). Gaede, whose teenage daughters form the racist pop-singing duo Prussian Blue, recently boasted in an online post that she regularly scores free merchandise through underhanded means. “My family seems to have this gift of confusing clerks at large chain stores,” she confessed. “We end up not getting charged for items all the time. I think this happens to me because I talk to them and distract them (not on purpose) by saying outrageous things.”

It’s not hard to imagine Gaede uttering something unsettling. The neo-Nazi stage mom propelled her twin daughters, Lynx and Lamb, to international stardom in white power circles. Fans watch the blond, blue-eyed girls sieg heil and sing odes to “white survival,” though a 2007 documentary about the pair showed them tiring of their mother’s overbearing ways.

Now Gaede, a prolific contributor to neo-Nazi web forums, has revealed that micro-managing her daughters’ musical act isn’t her only skill. In her post on the VNN site, she tallied the thousands of dollars she’d saved by walking out of stores without paying for merchandise. Shopping in Kmart one day for window coolers, Gaede wrote, she saw a sign asking shoppers to donate money for Iraq veterans. “I asked to speak to a manager about how much the CEOs of Kmart were personally giving and why should they ask poor Kmart shoppers for money when they are a multibillion dollar company?” She reported that the “riled up” employee failed to ring up one of the coolers in her cart, saving her $150.

Another time, according to Gaede, she picked out some pricey merchandise at Ikea, only to find that the store was unable to charge her credit card for more than $300. So Gaede decided to return the following day to buy the remaining items. “When they loaded up our car they included the $500 table we had not paid for,” she recounted. “Dumb Mexicans.”

But Gaede apparently doesn’t want readers to think she lacks ethics. “Now if this happens at a mom and pop store we always correct it and if a clerk gives me the wrong change I always correct it (if they are white) because I dont [sic] want them to get in trouble for their till to be wrong. But otherwise if it is some big store I go for it… What do you all think? Is that evil???”

Opinions varied. “McKinley” wrote, “I will never fill [sic] wrong about getting one over from an enemy. Morals do not count in a death match.”

But others thought Gaede was taking the wrong tack. “It’s stealing from white people,” wrote “cknott.” “Because of April’s stealing, companies raise their prices which makes honest white people pay even more at the store. If we want to beat the J*w, we have to stop acting like the J*w.”

To which Gaede promptly replied, “Oh spank me! Probably most here on this board has [sic] done this. I just have the guts to admit it.”