For many, a traditional white Christmas with snow on the ground isn’t enough. Some folks want a different sort of white Christmas.
For them, the racist “alt-right”, white nationalists and white supremacist groups have just the gifts any racist could want.
Websites run by everyone from former Ku Klux Klan leader (and frequent political candidate) David Duke to backers of anti-government rancher Cliven Bundy offer a variety of potential gifts.
While this stuff isn’t for everybody, there’s a good bet that a gift can be found that any racist could love.
The Ku Klux Klan, LLC in Compton, Arkansas, sells t-shirts (white, of course) featuring the group’s logo, as well as black hats and lapel pins. But, alas, the group doesn’t sell sheets, a near necessity for those looking to attend a cross lighting.
NSM88 Records offers music and more, including a set of four mix-and-match coasters featuring everything from the Klan to Adolf Hitler to one bearing the slogan “White Pride” and a swastika.
Duke, a one-time Louisiana state legislator, many-time failed candidate and frequent opportunist, is offering campaign leftovers for sale. Those include t-shirts from his failed U.S. Senate campaigns in Louisiana and his multiple fruitless runs for President.
But Duke, who became known as the “Nose-job Nazi” for the plastic surgery he had in the late 1980s as his political career ramped up, isn’t selling any merchandise aimed at beauty tips or looking younger.
For the Bundy backer, online shoppers can find shirts, hats, stickers and even throw pillows for that decorative, homey, anti-government touch. Alas, though, no Bundy-endorsed snacks are for sale.
Those might go well with an Afghan blanket featuring Confederate General Nathan Bedford Forrest, the founder of the Ku Klux Klan, or Southern partisan icon General Robert E. Lee.
And, for the fashionably conscious white supremacist on the shopping list, Women for Aryan Unity, a group aimed at promoting the white race, sells patches, belt buckles and a metal button featuring an Edelweiss, a type of flower.
Just be warned, though.
Buying the wrong gift for the white supremacist on the list could really raise a fuhrer over the holidays