Extremist Publications Form New Association

The American Media Association (AMA) claims to welcome all truth-loving, pro-American publications and journalists. Supposedly, “no left or right political leanings are mandatory.”

Yet a look at the AMA Web site belies that claim. Members include the neo-Nazi German American Nationalist Political Action Committee, the anti-Semitic Christian Identity publications America’s Promise, Christian Crusade for Truth and Jubilee, and a host of other antigovernment zealots.

The site even provides an update on imprisoned hate crime felon Alex Curtis from white supremacist Vincent Bertollini.

The AMA is a new organization designed to increase cooperation between publications on the radical right. By pooling subscriber and advertiser lists, members hope to increase their distribution base and raise advertising revenue.

By sharing information, they hope to give a wider audience to stories supposedly suppressed by the mainstream media — a hefty proportion of them about black-on-white crime.

And if the members are really lucky, the AMA may be able to confer some mainstream credibility on publications that have often found themselves alone in the political wilderness.

The plan has had a few hitches. The AMA WebWire, meant to share stories via the Internet, is still not working. There have been internal disputes about advertising rates. A handful of members have quit, presumably worried about associating themselves with extremism.

And at least one member is in prison. AMA Member and Christian Patriot Association leader Richard Flowers, who believes that whites are God’s “chosen people” and superior to other races, was indicted in December for running an illegal warehouse bank that allegedly hid $186 million in taxable income from the IRS.

Nonetheless, the AMA is pushing on and, at least according to The Jubilee newspaper, has the beginnings of a plan for the federal government.

“We are not going to fix the IRS problem,” explained one speaker at the AMA’s first national conference, held in November in Reno, “unless we can get the locals to stop letting the IRS into the county.”