Davis Wolfgang Hawke disappeared from the white supremacist scene, only surfacing years later in a new role: an Internet spammer who sold millions of dollars' worth of bogus penis-enlargement pills.
It was bad enough when neo-Nazi Davis Wolfgang Hawke publicly called his mother a “race traitor” and said that his partly Jewish father should be “sterilized.”
Family relations didn’t improve any when Hawke, whose Jewish ancestry was exposed by the Intelligence Report in 1999, promised to lead 1,000 neo-Nazis in a march down Pennsylvania Avenue. In the event, four followers showed up, but not Hawke, whose mother told The Washington Post that her son was a “coward.”
Now, the one-time leader of the Knights of Freedom — an explicitly neo-Nazi group that collapsed after the Report revealed that Hawke’s original name was Andy Greenbaum — is dragging his unhappy family into his seamy exploits once more.
Hawke had disappeared from the white supremacist scene after his exposure, only surfacing years later in a new role: an Internet spammer who sold millions of dollars’ worth of bogus penis-enlargement pills. In 2004, he was sued by America Online (AOL) and other companies under a new anti-spamming law. Last year, AOL won a default judgment of $12.8 million against the hard-to-find Hawke.
Hawke remains on the lam, possibly in the New England area where he has operated in recent years. AOL, in the meantime, has obtained testimony from Hawke’s former girlfriend and others that Hawke buried platinum and gold bars worth a fortune to hide his loot from the court. And AOL is moving to find those bars — by digging up his parents’ and grandfather’s property in the suburbs of Boston, near the house where Peggy and Hyman Greenbaum raised their boy.
“I don’t care if they dig up the entire yard. They’re just going to make fools of themselves,” Peggy Greenbaum told The Associated Press angrily, adding that her son had once mentioned burying gold and money in five states — but not on family property. “There’s absolutely no reason for them to think that Davis Hawke would be stupid enough to bury gold on our property. Our son is long gone.”